Save the Below Code as “.Lua” in your Notepad and Save the Lua in your scripts folder to Show your Scripts in Menu
local isRunning = falselocal function safeLoop(state) while state do stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_POPULARITY", 1000) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_PAY_TIME_LEFT", -1) sleep(1.5) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_POPULARITY", 1000) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_PAY_TIME_LEFT", -1) sleep(1.5) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_POPULARITY", 1000) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_PAY_TIME_LEFT", -1) sleep(1.5) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_POPULARITY", 1000) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_PAY_TIME_LEFT", -1) sleep(1.5) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_POPULARITY", 1000) stats.set_int("MP0_CLUB_PAY_TIME_LEFT", -1) sleep(4) endend menu.add_toggle( "Nightclub Safe Abuse $250k/10s (AFK)", function() return isRunning end, function() isRunning = not isRunning safeLoop(isRunning) end)
Save the Above Code as “.Lua” in your Notepad and Save the Lua in your scripts folder to Show your Scripts in Menu