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Session Grief Kill Players With Jets and Crash Lobby Script for Yim Mod Menu with Battleye Disabled + FSL





Modded Vehicles + Maps Troll People and Seison Script

The Session Grief, Kill Players with Jets, and Crash Lobby Script for the Yim Mod Menu is a powerful and controversial tool designed for players who want to dominate or disrupt public sessions in GTA 5 Online. This script allows you to spawn attack jets, target specific players, or even crash entire lobbies, creating chaos and asserting your dominance.ession Grief, Kill Players with Jets, and Crash Lobby Script for the Yim Mod Menu, featuring BattlEye Disabled and FSL (Free Session Lobby) support..Ā 

in-Ā  Game Picture :Ā 








Video of the Menu

Credits to #Deadlineem Dev,L7NEG,Yimura,Cyson,SLON & UC Communtiy Sharing the Script and updating with us thanks for sharing with us in the Open Forum


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Features [+]

  • Support Anti-Cheat BE (Bypassed)
  • Undetected Global Support
  • Undetected Toxic Function
  • Supports Global Rampage to Session
  • Undetected Kills

Installation Instructions [+]

  1. Extract the Script to your Yim Menu Scripts Location Open Run in Windows by Presing key "Win + R" Type %appdata% and hit enter.
  2. Open Yim Menu and Open Scripts \YimMenu\scripts
  3. Place the Extracted Script into that Location
  4. Open GTA 5 and Open Menu Settings and Open Lua and Select "Reload all" Go to Extra Add on Tab and You will be Able to see Global Select the Function you want like Clown Jets Expl*de all

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the mod menu safe to use?

A: The mod includes anti-cheat bypass measures; however, use it at your own risk.

Q: Which versions of GTA V are compatible?

A: The mod works with the latest updates of GTA V on PC 1.70 Version.

Q: Can I play online with this mod?

A: The mod is designed for invite-only or solo sessions. can public lobbies if you have FSL Loaded.

This is offered for free, but itā€™s a lot to maintain. If you want to support my work through a small donation the following PayPalĀ destination can be used:
We do not intent to infringe any intellectual right artist right or copyright. If you feel any of the content posted here is under your ownership just contact us and we will remove that content immediately. Or if you require a suitable credit please let us know. Scripts or Menus and any other information presented on this site is intended only to familiarize users with the materials that may be of interest to them.. Ā 


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With BattlEye disabled, the script operates under the radar, minimizing the risk of detection or bans, while FSL (Free Session Lobby) ensures a stable and secure connection for executing these actions. The Yim Mod Menu's user-friendly interface makes it easy to activate and customize these features, whether you're looking to grief specific players, troll the entire lobby, or simply test the limits of the game. While this script is intended for advanced users and should be used responsibly, it provides unparalleled control over public sessions, making it a must-have for those who enjoy high-impact gameplay in GTA 5 Online.




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