Instant $5 Million Cargo Script for Kiddions Menu 0.9.8 Updated Script with added Instant Buy / Sell Special Cargo

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Instant Buy / Sell Special Cargo Script


Hello Everybody  this is the Lua Script which was made by me this Script has the ability to Instant Buy / Sell your Special Cargo Either you can Sell inside your WAREHOUSE only it doesnt Require you to Go outside or Enter any Mission Vehicles and also you can change the Cargo value to between $1,000,000 – $5,000,000 as you need but as for the Safe Limit try to set for $4,900,000 and then sale and also with this script you can change your total sales and total earnings from the warehouse also 

All the Source Link for the Script and the necessary project files are available to Below from this page. Click the Show Code button on the bottom of this page and wait until the countdown timer is finished. If you couldn’t get the Code Copied then please contact us or comment on our youtube channel. Thank you!

So after Copying the Source Code Just on your Pc Open A New Notepad and then Save or paste the copied ur into it and then Save the lua as Named “Specialcargoscript.lua” at the end then you will eed to copy the lua to your kiddions/scripts locations then run the menu it will showing at the bottom of the list use it , So Thats it Enjoy !!!

Instructions  :  To use it 

Step 1: Open GTA V Online Make Sure you have Loaded into Online Completley and then
Step 2 : After Saving the Script / Tool then Launch the Tool if its a Script then
Step 3 : But as on this page its a script so save the script from below links to your pc and then
Step 4 : after been Saved to your PC then Move the script to your KiddionsModestMenu/Scripts folder and then paste the script there 
Step 5 : Then open the menu as admin and if the menu is already been opened then try to reload the scripts under settings tab
Step 6 : Then Navigate to Scripts > Select the Warehouse Manager Title and you will be some Bunch of options there Select as you like    
Step 7 : But if you try to sell more than $5,000,000 then you recieve nothing just a transaction error so the max limit is only $$4,999,999  Thats it enjoy ^_^

Java Script Source Code




Sam = menu.add_submenu("Ceo Warehouse Money Hack")
local function Text(text)
	Sam:add_action(text, function() end)
Text("--------------Warehouse Cargo's--------------")
Sam:add_int_range("Price for 1 Crate", 100000.0, 0, 7500000, function() 
	return globals.get_int(262145 + 15788)
end, function(value)
	globals.set_int(262145 + 15788, value)

Sam:add_int_range("Price for 2 Crate", 100000.0, 0, 3000000, function() 
	return globals.get_int(262145 + 15789)
end, function(value)
	globals.set_int(262145 + 15789, value)

Sam:add_int_range("Price for 3 Crate", 100000.0, 0, 2500000, function() 
	return globals.get_int(262145 + 15790)
end, function(value)
	globals.set_int(262145 + 15790, value)

Sam:add_int_range("Price for 4 Crate's", 100000.0, 0, 2500000, function() 
	return globals.get_int(262145 + 15791)
end, function(value)
	globals.set_int(262145 + 15791, value)

Sam:add_toggle("Buy Cooldown Remover", function()
	return globals.get_int(262145 + 15553) 
end, function(value)
	globals.set_int(262145 + 15553, 0)

Sam:add_toggle("Sell Cooldown Remover", function()	
	return globals.get_int(262145 + 15554) 
end, function(value)
	globals.set_int(262145 + 15554, 0)

Text("--------------Warehouse Profile Editor--------------")
Sam:add_int_range("Change Lifetime Sales", 1, 0, 10000, function()
PlayerIndex = globals.get_int(1574918)
	if PlayerIndex == 0 then
		mpx = "MP0_"
		mpx = "MP1_"

The Above Code is Just a Half Code theres a Full Code Below with a Copy Button you may use the Below one Fully and Save it as LUA

More Information :  
Credits to #Booka7 Sharing the New Globasls with us thanks for sharing with us in the Forum 

in-  Game Picture : 

Some Screenshot During Gameplay 

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We do not intent to infringe any intellectual right artist right or copyright. If you feel any of the content posted here is under your ownership just contact us and we will remove that content immediately. Or if you require a suitable credit please let us know. Scripts or Menus and any other information presented on this site is intended only to familiarize users with the materials that may be of interest to them..   Please Try to Contribute our Work !

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